Tuesday, April 10, 2018

FTT - Schoology Workload Planning

The Power of Knowing - Workload Planning in Schoology


While we may be starting slowly with Schoology next year, it is important to know that when we are ultimately all in and using it to the fullest, there are some really amazing things we can do with an all-school LMS. One of the coolest features in Schoology is called "Workload Planning," and it can tell you when your students have major assignments or tests in their other classes.

In your course, one of the options along the left side of the page is the "Workload Planning" button:

When you open Workload Planning, you can see a weekly calendar (for any week of the semester) with a snapshot of how many major assignments your students have due in other classes for that week. 

Using the drop-down at the top of the page, you can filter your results for the number of assignments due per day. So, if you are planning a due date for a major project of your own, you can take a quick glance at the students in your class and schedule your due dates with their other classes and projects in mind.

Workload Planning will allow you to see an aggregate total for your class, or let you look at individual student schedules. If you click on the information in the calendar displayed, you can actually see what classes the projects are and for which classes.

Here's a short video on Workload Planning via Digital Learning Specialist Paul Beckerman:

Have a fantastic start to 4th Quarter!

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